Thursday, 27 February 2014

The cerebrum of our BRAIN is the largest part,, it’s weight is 85 percent of the total weight of our BRAIN.. The cerebrum has two halves,, or hemispheres.. It is further divided into four regions,, or lobes,, in each hemisphere.. The frontal lobes,, located behind the forehead,, are involved with speech,, thought,, learning,, emotion,, and movement.. Behind them are the parietal lobes,, which process sensory information such as touch,, temperature,, and pain.. At the rear of the BRAIN are the occipital lobes,, dealing with vision.. Lastly,, there are the temporal lobes,, near the temples,, which are involved with hearing and memory..

The cerebral cortex lies in distinctive deeply wrinkled outer surface consists of gray matter.. The white matter lies beneath this area.. It's the cerebrum that makes the human BRAIN.. Whereas animals such as elephants,, dolphins,, and whales have larger BRAIN,, humans have the most developed cerebrum.. It's packed to capacity inside our skulls,, enveloping the rest of the BRAIN,, with the deep folds cleverly maximizing the cortex area..

Brainalyst Technovision : +91 99999 07074

Monday, 24 February 2014

Each Individual has their own way of learning & understanding things.. It is very difficult to get to know each & everything of their children for parents.. Sometimes it takes years to understand the character and inclinations of their children & sometimes they never really know why their children are the way they are..

In order for children’s behaviour to develop in the right way,, there is a way in Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA).. DMIA can explain children’s innate character,, personality,, acquiring style & intelligence,, improves communication & relation between parents & children,, help parents to know the best abilities in their kids & raise them successfully & easily,, guiding them in doing what they love to do,, developing their best potentials,, and making them happy children who will grow up to be quality adults..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Friday, 21 February 2014

Dermatoglyphics is a tool that combines neurology,, genetics and embryology.. Fingerprints patterns are not random,, they are positioned according to genetic makeup and sometime influence by the environment of the embryo between the 13th and 21st week of life.. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis is scientifically proven,, the date acquisition is computerized and the accuracy rate is more than 90%..

Our BRAIN is the center of our Nervous System.. Most of the expansion comes from the Cerebral Cortex,, especially the Frontal Lobes,, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control,, planning,, reasoning,, and abstract thought.. The portion of the Cerebral Cortex devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in human beings,, and several cortical areas play specific roles in language,, a skill that is unique to humans..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Our BRAIN is so complex,, it is not easy to understand the complexity of our BRAIN.. We just only know that it makes us as we are i..e.. Human being.. It gives us the capability to speak various languages,, performing & enjoying various arts,, understand & judges the things in different ways.. Our BRAIN is also responsible for our personality,, our memories & also about our body movement & how we react or sense the outer world..

All these activities done by jelly like mass of fat and protein weighing about 1..5 Kg.. It is,, one of the body's biggest organs,, consisting around 100 billion neurons cells that not only put together thoughts and highly coordinated physical actions but regulate our unconscious body processes,, such as blinking eyes,, digestion and breathing..

The neurons in our BRAIN make up the organ's so-called gray matter.. The neurons transmit and gather electro - chemical signals that are communicated via a network of millions of millions thin fibres called Dendrites and Axons.. These are the BRAIN's white matter..

Brainalyst Technovision : +91 99999 07074

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Our BRAIN is our boss,, but it can't do it alone.. It needs some nerves — actually a lot of them.. And it needs the spinal cord,, which is a long bundle of nerves inside our spinal column.. It's the spinal cord and nerves known as the nervous system that let messages flow back and forth between the BRAIN and body..
If a spiky cactus falls off a shelf headed right on our best friend,, our nerves and BRAIN communicate so that we jump and yell for our friend to get out of the way.. If we're really good,, maybe we're able to catch the plant before it hits our friend..

We can't see these nerves without a microscope.. Our Nervous system is made up of millions and millions of neurons,, which are microscopic cells.. Each neuron has tiny branches coming off it that connect with many other neurons.. When we were born,, our BRAIN came with all the neurons it will ever have,, but many of them were not connected to each other.. When we learn things,, the messages travel from one neuron to another.. Eventually,, the BRAIN starts to create connections or we can say pathways between the neurons,, so things become easier..

Think back to the first time we rode a bicycle.. Our BRAIN had to think about pedaling,, balancing,, steering handlebars,, watching road and hitting the brakes,, all at once.. As we got practice more,, the neurons sent messages back and forth until a pathway was created in our BRAIN.. Now we can ride our bicycle without thinking about it because the neurons have successfully created a "riding" pathway..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Friday, 14 February 2014

The BRAIN is an organ that serves as the center of the Nervous System in all animals,, only a few such as sponges,, jellyfish and starfish do not have a BRAIN.. It is located in the head,, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses like taste,, smell,, hearing etc.. The BRAIN is the most complex organ in the body or we can say one of the complex things in this universe.. In a typical human the Cerebral Cortex is the largest part of the BRAIN that contains 15–33 billion Neurons,, each connected by thin fibres called Synapses to several thousand other Neurons.. These Neurons communicate with one another by means of long fibres called Axons,, which carry signal pulses to distant parts of the BRAIN or body targeting specific recipient cells..

The function of the BRAIN is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body.. The BRAIN acts on the rest of the body both by generating patterns of muscle activity and by driving the secretion of Harmon Chemicals.. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environments.. Some basic types of responsiveness such as reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord or peripheral ganglia,, but sophisticated purposeful control of behaviour based on complex sensory input requires the information integrating capabilities of a centralized BRAIN..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Adult HUMAN BRAIN weighs on average about 1..5 kg with a volume of around 1130 cubic centimetres in women and 1260 cubic centimetres in men.. Men with the same body height and body surface area as women have on average 100 grams heavier BRAINS.. The HUMAN BRAIN is composed of NEURONS,, GLIAL CELLS & BLOOD VESSELS.. The number of NEURONS,, according to Array Tomography (a technique far more accurate than earlier microscopic methods),, has shown about 200 Billion Neurons in the HUMAN BRAIN with 125 trillion SYNAPSES in the CEREBRAL CORTEX..

The CEREBRUM forms the largest part of our BRAIN and situated above other BRAIN Structures.. They are covered with a Cortical Layer called CEREBRAL CORTEX.. Underneath the CEREBRUM lies the BRAINSTEM,, resembling a stalk on which the CEREBRUM is attached.. At the rear of the BRAIN,, beneath the CEREBRUM and behind the BRAINSTEM,, CEREBELLUM lies.. The same structures are present in other mammals,, although they vary considerably in relative size.. The cortex of a rat or mouse is almost perfectly smooth.. On the other hand,, the cortex of a dolphin or whale,, is more convoluted than the cortex of a human..

The living BRAIN is very soft,, having a consistency similar to soft gelatine..

Brainalyst Technovision : +91 99999 07074

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Our BRAIN is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body.. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning.. Here are some interesting facts about how our BRAIN develops,, what can affect that development,, and how learning is impacted:

è Our BRAIN is made up of about 75% water..

è If you were taught that humans only use 10% of their BRAIN,, then know that is just a myth.. Scientists can attribute a function to each part of our BRAIN..

è The human BRAIN weighs about 3 pounds..

è There are no pain receptors in the BRAIN,, so the BRAIN can feel no pain..

è The cerebrum is the largest part of the BRAIN and makes up about 85% of the BRAIN’s weight..

è The human BRAIN consists of about 60% white matter and 40% gray matter..

è About 100 billion neurons make up the human BRAIN..

è For each one of those neurons,, there are anywhere from 1,,000 to 10,,000 synapses..

è The cerebral cortex grows thicker the more it is used..

è It is believed that yawning sends more oxygen to the BRAIN,, therefore working to cool it down and stimulate it..

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Our BRAIN is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body.. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning.. Here are some interesting facts about how our BRAIN develops,, what can affect that development,, and how learning is impacted:

è Each time we blink,, our BRAIN keeps things illuminated so the whole world doesn’t go dark each time we blink,, which is about 20,,000 times a day..

è As easy as laughing seems,, it is actually a very complex task that requires activity in five different areas of the BRAIN..

è Yawning often promotes yawning in others nearby.. Scientists believe that yawning may have been an ancient social behaviour that signalled an event,, with others yawning in response.. Today,, we still hold on to the response,, even if we don’t need it..

è Harvard maintains a BRAIN Bank where over 7,,000 human BRAINS are stored for research purposes..

è Disney creators used real sleep disorders such as snoring,, nightmares,, and sleepwalking in many of the characters in their movies..

è It is believed that humans experience 70,,000 thoughts each day..

è Aristotle mistakenly thought that the functions of the BRAIN actually took place in the heart..

è The lack of gravity in outer space affects the BRAIN in several ways.. Scientists are studying how and why,, but you may want to hold off on your next trip to the moon..

è The word BRAIN appears 66 times in William Shakespeare’s plays..

è Archaeologists found evidence that primitive BRAIN surgery was performed by drilling a hole in the skull as far back as 2000 BC..


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Our BRAIN is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body.. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning.. Here are some interesting facts about how our BRAIN develops,, what can affect that development,, and how learning is impacted:

è The ability to learn and remember new things is called declarative memory and is processed in a different part of our BRAIN from where the memories of how to do something are stored..

è Scent is a powerful trigger for memory.. A study indicates that a memory paired with scent can be recalled more easily..

è Each time a memory is recalled or a new thought occurs,, a new connection is created in our BRAIN..

è Memory is formed by associations,, so to promote memory in students,, create associations for them..

è Our BRAIN consolidates memories while you sleep..

è A lack of sleep may actually decrease your ability to create new memories..

è Studies suggest that short-term memory happens as a result of chemical and electrical impulses in our BRAIN,, as compared to more structural changes that are associated with long-term memory..
