Saturday, 28 June 2014

Now – a – days,, parents are willing to spend lots to send their children to many classes regardless they are talented or interested on it.. For example: singing,, drawing,, music,, dance,, math,, science,, hobby classes etc.. This is a high cost action and it also brings much stress to the children.. Yet,, who knows that they can absorb as what they have been given as an input? This is the question that needs to be answered.. However,, Dermatoglyphics Analysis is a better way to get the best solution for this question..

Unfortunately,, most of us have a little sense of our talents and strengths,, much less the ability to build our lives around us.. Instead,, guided by our parents,, teachers and managers or influenced by media,, peers and friends,, we become numbed and blinded thus practice our weaknesses and spend our lives in mediocrity,, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected.. And the vicious cycle is kept on going as we use the similar ways to raise our next generation..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

From 0-3 years of age,, the emotional bend of the child starts growing quickly.. Knowing a child’s potential at an early age helps parents in making smart and easy decisions on parenting styles and educational methods.. As an infant moves into toddlerhood,, our kids learn new ways of life which help them in expanding their horizons.. With the help of Dermatoglyphics Analysis one can understands hidden potential and talents of their children..

Dermatoglyphics Analysis gives us the detailed comparison between our right & left BRAIN hemispheres.. It shows our child’s innate characteristics,, personality,, talent & potential.. It also shows the distribution of multiple intelligences & preferred learning style.. It helps us to choose the appropriate stream of studies for our child,, which also helps in career selection in future.. Teens & adults are able to evaluate themselves with the help of this analysis..

Dermatoglyphics Analysis will also help in the married & business also.. One can know the compatibility with his / her spouse & business partner and also facilitate efficient communication & effectiveness at work.. 

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Our Right BRAIN is corresponding to Left Hand and Left BRAIN is corresponding to Right Hand.. During the earlier days,, when American doctors discovered a strange case where the baby is born without a BRAIN.. In this case, the absence of BRAIN is associated with the absence of fingerprints as well.. Cases like this repeated throughout history,, leading medical experts to believe that the BRAIN is absolutely linked to the fingerprints.. Neurobiologists point out that our fingerprints development are synchronised with that of the neocortex.. For example,, children with Down syndrome have fingerprints with distinguishable characteristics..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Everyone has a different Learning Pattern but still we are taught in one way..

VISUAL Learners use strong visual associations.. Often use lists to organize life and thoughts.. They recognize spellings,, words by how they look.. Remember faces but forget names.. Usually learn best by associating pictures with the words or concepts being used.. Benefit,, when visuals are used as part of a lecture..
AUDITORY Learners learn by listening to verbal instructions; remember by forming the sounds of words.. Find it easy to remember names but forget faces.. Often do well working out solutions or problems by talking them out.. In most of the circumstances,, need to hear and then speak in order to get it registered effectively in memory.. Generally they read aloud instead of reading silently,, talking to self,, or repeating instructions to understand them..
KINESTHENTIC Learners learn by becoming physically involved and actually doing something with what’s being learned..”Hands –on” activity is needed to grasp the learning!”Being on the move” helps memory to work..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Thursday, 12 June 2014

It has been medically verified that the development of our BRAIN Lobes & Fingerprints occur during the 7th & 21st week of pregnancy.. Therefore there is a direct co-relation between the development of our BRAIN & Fingerprints.. During the development,, the information is transcribed as our Fingerprints;; that are totally unique..

With the help of Dermatoglyphics one can understands his / her hidden potentials & talents.. This is a science which studies the patterns on skin ridges present on our fingers,, toes & the soles.. It reveals the congenital links between our BRAIN,, pattern on our fingers and our Intrinsic Qualities & Talents.. By analyzing Dermatoglyphy,, we can understand the distribution & amount of Neuron Cells in the Right & Left BRAIN Region,, & accurately knows where our potential lies.. Although everyone is bored with their strengths & weaknesses;; if they are identified at early stage,, we may further develop our strengths & improve our weaknesses,, so that the Right BRAIN & Left BRAIN may shape in a more balanced & blended way..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Motor Systems are those areas of our BRAIN which are involved in our body movement by controlling our muscles,, directly or indirectly.. But there is an exception also; the muscles that control the movement of our eyes are controlled by the MIDBRAIN.. All the voluntary muscles in our body are directly innervated by the motor neurons in our Spinal Cord & HINDBRAIN..

Spinal motor neurons are controlled by neural circuits intrinsic to our Spinal Cord & descend the inputs from our BRAIN.. The intrinsic spinal circuits produce or show our reflexes & contains pattern for rhythmic movements,, like swimming or walking..

 Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Our BRAIN is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body.. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning.. Here is some interesting facts about how the BRAIN develops,, what can affect that development,, & how learning is impacted..

The ability to learn and remember new things is called declarative memory & is processed in a different part of the BRAIN from where the memories of how to do something are stored..
Scent is a powerful trigger for memory.. Some studies shows that a memory paired with scent can be recalled more easily..
Each time a memory is recalled or a new thought occurs,, a new connection is created in the BRAIN..
Memory is formed by associations,, so to promote memory in students,, create associations for them..
Our BRAIN consolidates memories while we sleep..
A lack of sleep may actually decrease our ability to create new memories..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074