Our BRAIN has mainly two types of cells i..e.. Neurons &
Glial Cells.. Neurons considered as the most important cells or we can say the
base of our BRAIN.. Glial Cells performs main / critical functions like
development & structural support.. Neurons have the amazing ability to send
electromagnetic signals to specific areas..
Neurons send signals through thin fibres called Axon,,
extends from cell body & have many branches connected to other.. Axons can
have extra ordinary length,, like the cell body of a pyramidal cell of Cerebral
have the size of our body.. Its Axon would become a cable of few centimetres,,
extending more than a kilometre..
They transmit signals in the form of electro chemical pulses,,
which lasts less than a 1 / 1000 part of a second & travels at a speed of 1
to 100 metres per second,, usually in irregular pattern..
Axons transmit signals by means of Synapses to other Neurons..
Synapses are specialized junctions that connect Neurons to others.. A single
Axon might have thousands of synaptic connections with others..
Synapses are the basic functional element or we can say the
key element of our BRAIN,, Synapses are the points where or through where the
cell to cell communication occurs.. Our BRAIN has trillions of Synapses.. Most
of the space in our BRAIN captured by Axons,, are bundled together makes nerve
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