Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Our BRAIN & our Computer both are used to receive,, store & produce best possible result(s) after processing the raw information.. Both have some things in common but actually there are so many differences lying there..
Computer consists various parts like processor,, hard disk etc.. Each part of computer is designed to perform a specific function & plays a specific role.. Our BRAIN also has various parts like right & left hemispheres,, lobes,, cerebrum etc.. Both our BRAIN & Computer processes raw information through various parts & produce result(s) or perform particular task(s)..
Computer works only on the basis of logic but our BRAIN uses emotions also.. Many actions of our BRAIN are based on emotions.. Computer performs actions or tasks on the basis of the raw information,, which provided by us..
Both computer & our BRAIN transmit information through electric signals,, computer through conductors & BRAIN using electro chemicals.. BRAIN uses chemical reactions to produce electric signals to communicate.. Our Neurons are gathering information constantly through synapses from other neurons.. Information which communicates through synapses does not always result in action.. This information alters the chance that an action will be produced..

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