Tuesday, 16 December 2014

DERMATOGLYPHICS Analysis is an integration of Brain Science,, medicine,, genetics ,, psychology and behavioural science..  Through nearly five centuries of observation and study of genetic medicine,, amount and distribution of neurons is reflected in regular patterns on our fingerprints.. According to European and American experts,, they found that fingerprints show different kinds of characteristics,, even with monozygotic twins,, their fingerprints are different..  At the same time,, the same fingerprints will appear again after healing of wound,, as long as the injury has not affect the cells.. Medical experts,, with observation,, recording,, comparison,, induction and other methods,, and clinical experiences,, confirmed that fingerprints provide accurate analysis of a person’s multiple intelligences and potential..  Experts who study DERMATOGLYPHICS believe that fingerprints were marks of embryonic nerves,, which may reflect one’s genetic potential..  If we understand our own qualities and nurture according,, it will tremendously help in terms of career development,, managing emotions,, increase concentration,, and improve interpersonal skills..

DERMATOGLYPHICS Analysis is based on the formation and the amount of ridges on the fingerprints; DERMATOGLYPHICS analysis tells us one’s style of learning and thinking..  Everyone has his/her unique fingerprints; the brain patterns grow simultaneously with the fingerprints.. Each finger represents different abilities,, and each pattern has its own definition..  Statistics show that the accuracy rate of DERMATOGLYPHICS analysis can be up to 95%..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

DERMATOGLYPHICS recognizes the occurrence & existence of all Intelligences at the early stages of childhood..

Discipline can improve as pupils engage more with classroom work

Classroom becomes like a real world

Teachers can use a test to provide a profile of their own intelligences

Teacher can make use of pupil profiles to study teaching strategies

Teachers then can reflect how this profile will influence teaching

Pupils can have a different profile for themselves

Such strategies help children in involving to classroom organization, presentation of materials

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Dermatoglyphics is a term coined by Dr.. Cummins and Dr.. Mildo in 1926 to refer to the configurations formed by skin ridges on the fingers,, palms and ventral surfaces of the tails of nonhuman primates.. The subject area of dermatoglyphics includes the study of skin creases,, particularly on the palms.. 

Currently,, human prints can be categorized as one of the three main types,, whorls-shaped,, arch-shaped and loop-shaped..  It is subdivided into eleven basic types,, from which many types of analysis have been derived,, some focus on the analysis of left brain and right brain some believe that the print on each finger reflects different abilities.. (Thumb action and execution; index logic and creativity; middle finger: limb motor ability and art appreciation; ring power of voice recognition; little finger text image discerning) As for the foot pattern,, it can determine whether one has congenital diseases.. It is as equally important as fingerprints..

Up to 70% of our DNA is devoted to determining the design of our brain.. Although the final brain is the result of competing genetic and epigenetic or environmental factors,, the gross information regarding our brain is largely (if not completely) determined by these genes.. The younger you are,, the more closely your brain will conform to its pre-determined genetic plan..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The term "NEURON" was coined by the German anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer.. The neuron's place as the primary functional unit of the nervous system was first recognized in the early 20th century through the work of the Spanish anatomist Santiago Ramón Cajal.. Ramón Cajal proposed that neurons were discrete cells that communicated with each other via specialized junctions,, or spaces,, between cells.. This became known as the neuron doctrine,, one of the central tenets of modern neuroscience.. To observe the structure of individual neurons,, Ramón Cajal improved a silver staining process known as Golgi’s method,, which had been developed by his rival,, Camillo Golgi.. Cajal's improvement,, which involved a technique he called "double impregnation",, is still in use.. The silver impregnation stains are an extremely useful method for neuro anatomical investigations because,, for reasons unknown,, it stains a very small percentage of cells in a tissue,, so one is able to see the complete micro structure of individual neurons without much overlap from other cells in the densely packed brain..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Friday, 14 November 2014

A Neuron affects other Neurons by releasing a neurotransmitter that bins to chemical receptors.. The effect upon the postsynaptic neuron is determined not by the pre synaptic neuron or by the neurotransmitter,, but by the type of receptor that is activated.. A neurotransmitter can be thought of as a key,, and a receptor as a lock: the same type of key can here be used to open many different types of locks..
The two most common neurotransmitters in the brain are,, glutamate and GABA,, have actions that are largely consistent.. Glutamate acts on several different types of receptors.. Similarly GABA acts on several different types of receptors.. Because of this consistency,, it is common for neuroscientists to simplify the terminology by referring to cells that release glutamate as "excitatory neurons",, and cells that release GABA as "inhibitory neurons".. Since over 90% of the neurons in the brain release either glutamate or GABA,, these labels encompass the great majority of neurons.. There are also other types of neurons that have consistent effects on their targets..

Brainalyst Technovision::  +91 99999 07074

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Our BRAIN has a huge number of synapses.. Each of the 1011 (one hundred billion) neurons has an average 7,,000 synaptic connections to other neurons.. It has been estimated that the brain of a three-year-old child has about 1015 synapses (1 quadrillion).. This number declines with age,, stabilizing by adulthood.. Estimates vary for an adult,, ranging from 1014 to 5 x 1014 synapses (100 to 500 trillion)..

Neurons communicate with one another via synapses.. Neurons such as Purkinje cells in the cerebellum can have over 1000 dendritic branches,, making connections with tens of thousands of other cells.. Other neurons,, such as the magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus,, have only one or two dendrites,, each of which receives thousands of synapses..
Synapses can be excitatory or inhibitory and either increase or decrease activity in the target neuron.. Some neurons also communicate via electrical synapses,, which are direct,, electrically conductive junctions between cells..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Neurons are highly specialized for processing and transmission of cellular signals..Given their diversity of functions performed in different parts of the nervous system,, there is,, as expected,, a wide variety in their shape,, size,, and electrochemical properties.. For instance,, the soma of a neuron can vary from 4 to 100 micrometers in diameter..

·         The soma is the body of the neuron.. As it contains the nucleus,, most protein synthesis occurs here.. The nucleus can range from 3 to 18 micrometers in diameter..
·         The dendrites of a neuron are cellular extensions with many branches.. This overall shape and structure is referred to metaphorically as a dendritic tree.. This is where the majority of input to the neuron occurs via the dendritic spine..
·         The axon is a finer,, cable-like projection that can extend tens,, hundreds,, or even tens of thousands of times the diameter of the soma in length.. The axon carries nerve signals away from the soma (and also carries some types of information back to it).. Many neurons have only one axon,, but this axon may—and usually will—undergo extensive branching,, enabling communication with many target cells.. The part of the axon where it emerges from the soma is called the axon hillock.. Besides being an anatomical structure,, the axon hillock is also the part of the neuron that has the greatest density of voltage dependent sodium channels.. This makes it the most easily excited part of the neuron and the spike initiation zone for the axon: in electrophysiological terms it has the most negative action potential threshold.. While the axon and axon hillock are generally involved in information outflow,, this region can also receive input from other neurons..
·         The axon terminal contains synapses,, specialized structures where neurotransmitter chemicals are released to communicate with target neurons..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Friday, 24 October 2014

Many Neurons fit the foregoing schema in every respect,, but there are also exceptions to most parts of it.. There are no neurons that lack a soma,, but there are neurons that lack dendrites,, and others that lack an axon.. Furthermore,, in addition to the typical axodendritic and axosomatic synapses,, there are axoaxonic (axon-to-axon) and dendrodendritic (dendrite-to-dendrite) synapses..

The key to neural function is the synaptic signaling process,, which is partly electrical and partly chemical.. The electrical aspect depends on properties of the neuron's membrane.. Like all animal cells,, the cell body of every neuron is enclosed by a plasma membrane,, a bilayer of lipid molecules with many types of protein structures embedded in it.. A lipid bilayer is a powerful electrical insulator,, but in neurons,, many of the protein structures embedded in the membrane are electrically active.. These include ion channels that permit electrically charged ions to flow across the membrane,, and ion pumps that actively transport ions from one side of the membrane to the other.. Most ion channels are permeable only to specific types of ions.. Some ion channels are voltage gated,, meaning that they can be switched between open and closed states by altering the voltage difference across the membrane.. Others are chemically gated,, meaning that they can be switched between open and closed states by interactions with chemicals that diffuse through the extracellular fluid.. The interactions between ion channels and ion pumps produce a voltage difference across the membrane,, typically a bit less than 1/10 of a volt at baseline.. This voltage has two functions: first,, it provides a power source for an assortment of voltage-dependent protein machinery that is embedded in the membrane; second,, it provides a basis for electrical signal transmission between different parts of the membrane..
Neurons communicate by chemical & electrical synapses in a process known as neurotransmission also called synaptic transmission.. The fundamental process that triggers the release of neurotransmitters is the action potential,, a propagating electrical signal that is generated by exploiting the electrically excitable membrane of the neuron.. This is also known as a wave of depolarization..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Sunday, 19 October 2014

A Neuron is a specialized type of cell found in the bodies of alleumetozans.. Only sponges and a few other simpler animals lack neurons.. The features that define a neuron are electrical excitability and the presence of synapses,, which are complex membrane junctions that transmit signals to other cells.. The body's neurons,, plus the Glial cells that give them structural and metabolic support,, together constitute the nervous system.. In vertebrates,, the majority of neurons belong to the central nervous system,, but some reside in peripheral ganglia,, and many sensory neurons are situated in sensory organs such as the retina and cochlea..

Although neurons are very diverse and there are exceptions to nearly every rule,, it is convenient to begin with a schematic description of the structure and function of a "typical" neuron.. A typical neuron is divided into three parts: the soma or cell body,, dendrites,, and axon.. The soma is usually compact; the axon and dendrites are filaments that extrude from it.. Dendrites typically branch profusely,, getting thinner with each branching,, and extending their farthest branches a few hundred micrometers from the soma.. The axon leaves the soma at a swelling called the axon hillock,, and can extend for great distances,, giving rise to hundreds of branches.. Unlike dendrites,, an axon usually maintains the same diameter as it extends.. The soma may give rise to numerous dendrites,, but never to more than one axon.. Synaptic signals from other neurons are received by the soma and dendrites; signals to other neurons are transmitted by the axon.. A typical synapse,, then,, is a contact between the axon of one neuron and a dendrite or soma of another.. Synaptic signals may be excitatory or inhibitory.. If the net excitation received by a neuron over a short period of time is large enough,, the neuron generates a brief pulse called an action potential,, which originates at the soma and propagates rapidly along the axon,, activating synapses onto other neurons as it goes.. This is called saltatory conduction..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


All neurons are electrically excitable,, maintaining voltage gradients across their membranes by means of metabolically driven ion pumps,, which combine with ion channels,, embedded in the membrane to generate intracellular-versus-extracellular concentration differences of ions such as sodium,, potassium,, chloride and calcium.. Changes in the cross-membrane voltage can alter the function of voltage – dependent ion channels.. If the voltage changes by a large enough amount,, an all-or-none electrochemical pulse called an action potential is generated,, which travels rapidly along the cell's axon,, and activates synaptic connections with other cells when it arrives..

Neurons do not undergo cell division.. In most cases,, neurons are generated by special types of stem cells.. A type of glial cell,, called astrocytes (named for being somewhat star-shaped),, have also been observed to turn into neurons by virtue of the stem cell characteristic.. In humans,, neuro – genesis largely ceases during adulthood—but in two brain areas,, the hippocampus and olfactory bulb,, there is strong evidence for generation of substantial numbers of new neurons..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Motor Neurons receives signals from the BRAIN and Spinal Cord,, to cause muscle contractions,, and affect glandular outputs,, and inter-neurons which connect neurons to other neurons within the same region of the brain or spinal cord,, in neural networks..

A typical neuron possesses a cell body,, dendrites,, and an axon.. The term neurite is used to describe either a dendrite or an axon,, particularly in its undifferentiated stage.. Dendrites are thin structures that arise from the cell body,, often extending for hundreds of micrometres and branching multiple times,, giving rise to a complex "dendritic tree".. An axon is a special cellular extension that arises from the cell body at a site called the axon hillock and travels for a distance,, as far as 1 meter in humans or even more in other species.. The cell body of a neuron frequently gives rise to multiple dendrites,, but never to more than one axon,, although the axon may branch hundreds of times before it terminates.. At the majority of synapses,, signals are sent from the axon of one neuron to a dendrite of another.. There are,, however,, many exceptions to these rules: neurons that lack dendrites,, neurons that have no axon,, synapses that connect an axon to another axon or a dendrite to another dendrite,, etc..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Neurons are the base cells of our BRAIN that processes and transmits the information through electrochemical signals.. These signals travels between neurons via very thin fibres also called synapses.. They make the neural networks to connect other cells.. They are the core components of our Central Nervous System,, which includes our BRAIN & Spinal Cord..
There are many types of Neurons performing a particular task or we can say specialized Neurons.. Sensory Neurons are responsible to react or coordinate with our sensory organs like touch,, light & so on.. Their task is to receive signals from sensory organs or from outer world & send electrochemical signals to our BRAIN & spinal Cord to complete the task.. 

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

There are many questions about Dermatoglyphics rise in our mind..But most of the people doesn't find the answers.. We discuss some FAQ's that may give you the appropriate answers to the questions rises in your mind..

Q.. What specific help can be given??
A.. Through the Dermatoglyphics,, we are able to find out:
Why are the children not interested in their learning??
The learning barrier because from the inappropriate stimulation and teaching
Why are the children always opposing to your
Why are the children so active,, so stubborn,, or why can they concentrate or sit still?? 
Find out the most appropriate way of teaching and communication..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Monday, 22 September 2014

Q.. What happens during a Dermatoglyphics Assessment??

A.. All you have to do is place each finger on a machine which scans your prints.. In less than a week you report will be ready for collection.. The report will be close to 20-25 pages long.. The first page of the report will indicate your innate learning potential and your peak hidden potential.. It will also reveal what type of learner you are.. Page two expounds on your learning style and mentions your key personality traits.. Page three looks at your primary and secondary character traits as well as your parenting style (for those above 21).. Page four looks at your strengths and your weaknesses and offers strategies on how to improve your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths.. Page five and six looks at your multiple intelligence and offers career planning recommendations.. The subsequent pages explain the science of Dermatoglyphics,, the human brain,, and multiple intelligence..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Friday, 19 September 2014

Q.. How will a Dermatoglyphics Assessment benefit me??

A.. Every child possesses unique qualities and potential.. If through scientific methods,, we can understand a child’s innate characteristics and aptitude,, we can better teach them.. If one is naturally already strong,, with more clarity,, the strong gets stronger.. However,, if one is naturally already weak and then is not developed in later life/stages,, one may lose that ability.. As such,, it is vital to give the accurate and right stimulation as soon as possible to avoid the deterioration of precious ability..

Brainalyst Technovision:: +91 99999 07074

Saturday, 13 September 2014

There are many questions about Dermatoglyphics rise in our mind.. But most of the people doesn't find the answers.. We are discuss some FAQ's that may give you the appropriate answers to the questions rises in your mind..
Q.. Is Dermatoglyphics testing scientific or Medical basic??
A.. Both.. Dermatoglyphics is based on many scientists; medical scientists of "genetics",, "Embryology",, "Dermatoglyphics" "brain science" and other science-based,, and the use of observation,, recording,, contrast,, inductive learning methods,, and then coupled with clinical experience,, and finally concluded that: From the striae we can accurately analyze the child's multiple intelligences and potential personality..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Monday, 8 September 2014

There are many questions about Dermatoglyphics rise in our mind. But most of the people doesn't find the answers. We are discuss some FAQ's that may give you the appropriate answers to the questions rises in your mind.

Q.. Can Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA) helps me??

A.. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA) can help us understand people that are being tested the following five items: 

-> The structure of the superior order of brain function

-> Learning how to operate a keen ability

-> Visual,, Auditory,, Somatosensory learning the proper channels

-> Learning and education,, communication patterns

-> Eight multi-intelligence potential.. 

In fact,, every child has unique qualifications and potential,, but often parents do not understand the child's abilities.. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA) can help parents understand their children clear mind and brain cells,, the distribution function of strength,, grasp the child's unique qualities and potential,, and develop as soon as possible.. Besides that,, learns how children should be given the proper learning environment so that we can follow according to the child's personality characteristics and the mode of communication for him/her to achieve the function of raising a child mind in order to enhance the learning outcomes..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Benefits of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA) Contd.....

A Kinesthetic Learner is fine in expressing their thoughts & feelings using body language & prefers to gain knowledge or learn through process & movement..

A Visual Learner has quick observation/visual differentiation and prefers to learn through reading and observing things.. 

An Auditory Learner likes to learn through oral practice or auditory sense and tries to assimilate,, organize and arrange oral information 
Advise parents to position their child in courses where the set of programs suits the child’s inherent learning style.. 
Remove the ‘trial and error’ state when parents try to make their child learn something without knowing whether the child will be able to understand.. 
Every child is unique and holds different genetic talents 
To utilize a proven method (up to 95% accuracy) to make known a child’s hidden potential and both strength and weakness.. 
To give parents a closer look into their child’s brain and to groom the child effectively and to nurture the talents they possess.. 
To help parents on focusing on their child’s potency.. 

Dermatoglyphics is an important directive for a child to look when he/she is choosing university major that best meets their abilities and potential.. After graduation of your child,, dermatoglyphics report will be helpful in providing advice to choose their careers..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Benefits of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis (DMIA)::

Understand Inner Characteristics,, Ability,, Hidden Talents & Potential..

This analysis can be used to identify inner Characteristics,, Ability,, Hidden Talent & Potential as per below (child’s).. 

This analysis can be used for self-evaluation and compatibility with your spouse or business partner.. 

This analysis will disclose strength they have and to direct them to perform well at work.. 

This analysis is preferred for those who will like to make a career change and endeavour to start a new business or pick up new skills.. 

Understand Child’s Inner Characteristics,, Ability,, Hidden Talent & Potential 

Most of the time parents misunderstand children simply as they are just not aware of their child’s inborn characteristics (inquisitive,, disobedient,, unrelenting etc..) 

To realize and devise an effective way to relate with your child based on the child's inherent communication style.. 

To identify and build up a useful interaction method with your child.. 

Help children in learning effectively.. 

Reinforces weak points of the child and endow him with an appropriate learning method.. 

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074