Friday, 31 January 2014

Our BRAIN is the most fascinating organ in our body.. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning.. Here are some interesting facts about how the BRAIN develops,, what can affect that development,, and how learning is impacted:

1.. Parents and teachers who read aloud and talk often to young children are promoting BRAIN development..

2.. Children who learn two languages before the age of five have a different BRAIN structure than children who learn only one language..

3.. Studies have shown that child abuse can change the way the BRAIN develops and can negatively affect learning..

4.. Throughout life,, mental activity promotes the production of new neurons in the BRAIN..

5.. Those who are left-handed or ambidextrous have a corpus collosum that is about 11% larger than those who are right-handed..

6.. The human BRAIN continues to grow until about age 18..

7.. If a child is in a stimulating environment,, he / she have a 25% greater ability to learn.. Conversely,, if she is in an environment with low stimulation,, he / she have 25% less ability to learn..

8.. Scientists have shown that creative thinkers’ BRAIN work in different ways from the BRAIN of those who think more methodically..

9.. One study looked at students in New York and showed that those who ate lunches that did not include artificial flavours,, preservatives,, and dyes did 14% better on IQ tests than the students who ate lunches with these additives..

10.. Humans have an innate curiosity,, but when they have a lack of stimulation,, boredom sets in..

11.. A study shows that when people are learning new things,, their BRAIN change very quickly..

12.. Children who take music lessons show a considerable increase in the ability to learn..

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland in our BRAIN is very small,, just the size of a pea.. Its job is to produce and release hormones into our body.. If our old clothes are too small,, it's just because of our pituitary gland released special hormones.. This gland is a big player in puberty too.. This is the time when our body go through major changes..

This little gland also plays a role with lots of other hormones,, like ones that control the amount of sugars and water in our body.. And it helps keep our metabolism going.. Our metabolism is everything that goes on in our body to keep it alive and growing and supplied with energy,, like breathing,, digesting food,, and moving blood around..


The hypothalamus is like BRAIN's inner thermostat.. The hypothalamus knows what temperature our body should be.. If our body is too hot,, the hypothalamus tells it to sweat.. If we're too cold,, the hypothalamus gets us shivering.. Both shivering & sweating are attempts to get our body's temperature back where it needs to be..

Monday, 27 January 2014

The Cerebellum

The cerebellum lies below the cerebrum,, at the back of the BRAIN.. It is smaller than cerebrum but,, very important part of the BRAIN.. It controls balance,, movement,, and coordination..

Because of our cerebellum,, we can stand upright,, keep our balance,, and move around.. Think about a surfer riding the waves on his board.. What does he need most to stay balanced? The best surfboard? No.. He needs his cerebellum!


Our BRAIN stem is again a small part but very important & mighty.. BRAIN stem sits beneath the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum.. It connects the rest of the BRAIN to the spinal cord,, which runs down our neck and back.. The BRAIN stem is in charge of all the functions our body needs to stay alive,, like breathing air,, digesting food,, and circulating blood..

BRAIN stem's job is to control our involuntary muscles — the ones that work automatically,, without even thinking about it.. There are involuntary muscles in the heart and stomach,, and it's the BRAIN stem that tells our heart to pump more blood when we're biking or our stomach to start digesting our lunch.. The BRAIN stem also sorts through the millions of messages that the BRAIN and the rest of the body send back and forth.. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Our BRAIN is the boss of our body.. It runs the show and controls just about everything we do,, even when we're asleep.. Our BRAIN has many different parts that work together.. We're going to talk about the key parts:


The biggest part of the BRAIN is the cerebrum.. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the BRAIN's weight.. The cerebrum is the thinking part of the BRAIN and it controls our voluntary muscles,, which moves when we want them to.. So we can't dance or kick a soccer ball without our cerebrum..

The cerebrum has two halves,, one on either side of the head.. Researchers think that the right half helps us think about abstract things like music,, colours,, and shapes.. The left half is said to be analytical,, helping us with maths,, logic,, and speech.. Scientists do know for sure that the right half of the cerebrum controls the left side of our body,, and the left half controls the right side..

When we're thinking hard,, we're using our cerebrum.. Our memory lives in the cerebrum,, both short-term & long-term.. The cerebrum also helps us reasoning..

Monday, 20 January 2014

Signals between neurons are formed by electro chemicals.. These pulses can be detected by EEG.. They have wave like patterns,, classify alpha through to gamma rays.. According to some scientists that synchronising the activity in different BRAIN regions is important in perception..

Other techniques like FMRI,, PET monitors the blood flow & MRI,, CT,, DTI use the magnetic signatures of different tissues or movement of molecules to image the BRAIN.. These techniques were help to reveal the association of different parts of BRAIN with different functions..

The most obvious anatomical feature of our BRAIN is the undulating surface of the Cerebrum.. The cerebrum is the largest part of our BRAIN and is largely made up of the two Hemispheres.. It is the most evolutionary BRAIN structure,, dealing with more complex cognitive BRAIN activities..

It is often said that the Right Hemisphere is more creative and emotional and the Left Hemisphere deals with logic,, but the reality is more complex.. Both Hemispheres do have specialized in some activities,, the Left Hemisphere dealing with language & speech,, the Right Hemisphere with spatial – visual and body awareness..

Friday, 17 January 2014

The Study of the BRAIN has an interesting history.. There are some his abbreviated time line to know interesting facts about the history of BRAIN’s research and development..

1.. 2000 B..C..  Archaeologists found evidence that primitive BRAIN surgery was performed by drilling a hole in the skull..

2.. 1811.. Scottish surgeon Charles Bell described how each of the senses had a corresponding spot in the BRAIN..

3.. 1899.. Aspirin was marketed as a pain reliever,, but was not available without a prescription until 1915..

4.. 1921.. Hermann Rorschach invented the now-famous ink blot test for use with his patients..

5.. 1959.. The first rhesus monkey was sent into space to study human behaviour..

Monday, 13 January 2014

Fascinating Facts about the Human BRAIN:

1.. Music lessons have shown to considerably boost BRAIN organization and ability in both children and adults..

2.. The average number of thoughts that humans are believed to experience each day is 70,,000..

3.. Those,, who are left-handed or ambidextrous have a corpus collosum (the part of the BRAIN that bridges the two halves) that is about 11% larger than those who are right-handed..

4.. According to a study by Bristol-Myers Squibb,, accountants have the highest incidence of on-the-job headaches,, followed by librarians,, then bus and truck drivers..

5.. Aristotle mistakenly thought that the functions of the BRAIN actually took place in the heart..

6.. Some research shows that humans carry genes that help protect the BRAIN from prion diseases,, or diseases contracted through eating human flesh,, leading medical experts to believe that ancient humans may have eaten other humans..

7.. The word "BRAIN" appears 66 times in the plays of William Shakespeare..

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Fascinating facts about the Human BRAIN:

1.. A study showed a correlation between flying and headaches and states that around 6% of people who fly get headaches brought on by the flight itself..

2.. Juggling has shown to change the brain in as little as seven days.. The study indicates that learning new things helps the brain to change very quickly..

3.... A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine describes how Disney creators used real sleep disorders in many of their animated pets..

4.. Each time we blink,, our brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so the whole world doesn’t go dark each time we blink (about 20,,000 times a day)..

5.. Laughing at a joke is no simple task as it requires activity in five different areas of the BRAIN..

6.. Ever notice that you yawned after someone around you did? Scientists believe this may be a response to an ancient social behaviour for communication that humans still have..

7.. Harvard maintains a Brain Bank where over 7,,000 human brains are store for research purposes..

8.. The lack of gravity in outer space affects the brain in several ways.. Scientists are studying how and why,, but you may want to hold off on your next trip to the moon..

Monday, 6 January 2014

People have always been fascinated with the BRAINs of famous people..

1.. Albert Einstein’s BRAIN was similar in size to other humans except in the region that is responsible for math and spatial perception.. In that region,, his BRAIN was 35% wider than average..

2.. Famous for knowing all the London streets by heart,, these drivers have a larger than normal hippocampus,, especially the drivers who have been on the job longest.. The study suggests that as people memorize more and more information,, this part of their BRAIN continues to grow..

3.. A BRAIN thought to be 2000 years old was unearthed just recently at the University of York in northern England..

4.. Babe Ruth.. The Babe was tested by two Columbia psychology students and was determined to be working at 90% efficiency compared to the 60% efficiency measured for most people..

5.. Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who,, since the age of three when he suffered an epileptic seizure,, has been able to perform astounding mathematical computations,, knows seven languages,, and is developing a language of his own..

6.. Jazz musician Keith Jarrett was discovered at age 3 to have perfect pitch,, which scientists can pinpoint in the right frontal lobe..

7.. Vladimir Lyich Lenin.. After his death,, Lenin’s BRAIN was studied and found to have been abnormally large and to have contained numerous neurons in a particular region.. Some believe this BRAIN structure may explain his famous intelligence..

8.. Ben Pridmore,, a world champion memorizer,, memorized 96 historical events in 5 minutes and memorized a single,, shuffled deck of cards in 26..28 seconds..

9.. Henry Molaison.. Known for decades as "HM,," Molaison underwent BRAIN surgery in 1953 and could not form new memories afterward.. He became the most studied patient by those who research the BRAIN.. Molaison died about a year ago and donated his BRAIN to science.. Currently,, it is undergoing extensive research..

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Fascinating Facts about the Human Brain::

1.. Just because we don’t remember our dreams doesn’t mean we don’t dream.. Everyone dreams!

2.. Most people dream about 1-2 hours a night and have an average of 4-7 dreams each night..

3.. Studies show that brain waves are more active while dreaming than when we are awake..

4.. Five minutes after a dream,, half of the dream is forgotten.. Ten minutes after a dream,, over 90% is forgotten.. We have to write down our dreams immediately if we want to remember them..

5.. Dreams are more than just visual images,, and blind people do dream.. Whether or not they dream in pictures depends on if they were born blind or lost their vision later..

6.. Some people (about 12%) dream only in black and white while others dream in colour..

7.. While we sleep,, our body produces a hormone that may prevent us from acting out our dreams,, leaving us virtually paralyzed..

8.. If we are snoring,, we are not dreaming..

9.. If we are awakened during a dream,, we are much more likely to remember the dream than if we slept until a full night’s sleep..

10.. As those who invest in dream dictionaries can attest,, dreams almost never represent what they actually are.. The unconscious mind strives to make connections with concepts you will understand,, so dreams are largely symbolic representations..

11.. Caffeine works to block naturally occurring adenosine in the body,, creating alertness.. Scientists have recently discovered this connection and learned that doing the opposite–boosting adenosine–can actually help promote more natural sleep patterns and help eliminate insomnia..

Japanese researchers have successfully developed a technology that can put thoughts on a screen and may soon be able to screen people’s dreams..