Monday, 20 January 2014

Signals between neurons are formed by electro chemicals.. These pulses can be detected by EEG.. They have wave like patterns,, classify alpha through to gamma rays.. According to some scientists that synchronising the activity in different BRAIN regions is important in perception..

Other techniques like FMRI,, PET monitors the blood flow & MRI,, CT,, DTI use the magnetic signatures of different tissues or movement of molecules to image the BRAIN.. These techniques were help to reveal the association of different parts of BRAIN with different functions..

The most obvious anatomical feature of our BRAIN is the undulating surface of the Cerebrum.. The cerebrum is the largest part of our BRAIN and is largely made up of the two Hemispheres.. It is the most evolutionary BRAIN structure,, dealing with more complex cognitive BRAIN activities..

It is often said that the Right Hemisphere is more creative and emotional and the Left Hemisphere deals with logic,, but the reality is more complex.. Both Hemispheres do have specialized in some activities,, the Left Hemisphere dealing with language & speech,, the Right Hemisphere with spatial – visual and body awareness..

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