Thursday, 7 August 2014

History of Dermatoglyphics.........

In 1970,, USSR,, Former Soviet Union used Dermatoglyphics in selecting the contestant for Olympics..

In 1976,, Schaumann and Alter's 'Dermatoglyphics in Medical Disorders' published.. Significant investigations have also been carried out into the dermatoglyphics indicators of congenital heart disease,, leukaemia,, cancer,, rubella embryopathy,, Alzheimer's disease,, schizophrenia etc.. Dermatoglyphics research being directed into genetic research and the diagnosis of chromosomal defects..

In 1980,, China carry out researching work of human potential,, intelligence and talents in dermatoglyphics and human genome perspective..

In 1985,, Dr.. Chen Yi Mou Phd.. of Havard University research Dermatoglyphics based on Multiple Intelligence theory of Dr.. Howard Gardner.. First apply Dermatoglyphics to educational fields and brain physiology..

In 2000,, Dr Stowens,, Chief of Pathology at St Luke's hospital in New York,, claims to be able to diagnose schizophrenia and leukaemia with up to a 90% accuracy.. In Germany,, Dr Alexander Rodewald reports he can pinpoint many congenital abnormalities with a 90% accuracy..

In 2004,, IBMBS- International Behavioral & Medical Biometrics Society.. Over 7000 report and thesis published.. Nowadays the U..S..,, Japan or China,, Taiwan apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields,, expecting to improve teaching qualities and raising learning efficiency by knowing various learning styles..

Dermatoglyphics in Recent History Although many important discoveries regarding the psychological significance of fingerprint patterns have been made,, the main thrust of scientific Dermatoglyphics research in the latter half of the twentieth century has been directed into genetic research and the diagnosis of chromosomal defects.. Over the last thirty years or so,, more than four thousand papers have been written on the significance of skin-ridge patterns!

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