Tuesday 17 June 2014

Everyone has a different Learning Pattern but still we are taught in one way..

VISUAL Learners use strong visual associations.. Often use lists to organize life and thoughts.. They recognize spellings,, words by how they look.. Remember faces but forget names.. Usually learn best by associating pictures with the words or concepts being used.. Benefit,, when visuals are used as part of a lecture..
AUDITORY Learners learn by listening to verbal instructions; remember by forming the sounds of words.. Find it easy to remember names but forget faces.. Often do well working out solutions or problems by talking them out.. In most of the circumstances,, need to hear and then speak in order to get it registered effectively in memory.. Generally they read aloud instead of reading silently,, talking to self,, or repeating instructions to understand them..
KINESTHENTIC Learners learn by becoming physically involved and actually doing something with what’s being learned..”Hands –on” activity is needed to grasp the learning!”Being on the move” helps memory to work..

Brainalyst Technovision: +91 99999 07074

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