Sunday, 25 August 2013

History of Finger Prints:

1684 - Dr..  Nehemiah Grew presented FINGER PRINTS,, PALMS & SOLES An Introduction to DERMATOGLYPHICS to The Royal Society..

1686 - Dr.. Marcello Malphigi noted the Ridges,, Spirals,, Loops in finger prints..

1788 - J C Mayer write out basic tenets of finger print analysis & theorized that finger prints were unique (OR that the finger prints of an individual will not match any other person)..

1823 - Dr.. Joanes Evangelista Purkinji (Czech physicist & biologist) started to study the protruding lines on skin of human palm & sole and attempted to systematize as well as found the relation between these prints & human kind.. Dr.. Purkinji classified the 9 types of papillary lines on finger tips;
-> Arch
-> Tented Arch
-> Ulnar Loop
-> Radial Loop
-> Peacock's Eye
-> Spiral Whorl
-> Elliptical Whorl
-> Circular Whorl
-> Double Loop

1880 - Prof. Henry Faulds & Prof. W J Herschel recommended the use of finger prints as a way to unique identification & differentiate mankind..

1892 - Famous British anthropologist Sir Francis Galton,, published his book,, "Fingerprints", establishing the individuality & permanence of finger prints.. He also wrote about the classification system for finger prints..

1920 - Elizabeth Wilson (Professor in Columbia University) striat into state of scientific research & application of statistical methods..

1926 - Dr.. Harold Cummins also known as the Father of Dermatoglyphics with Dr.. Charles Mildo studied all aspects of finger print analysis,, from anthropology to genetics & embryology..

1936 - Dr.. Harold Cummins & Dr.. Charles Midlo also researched the embryo-genesis of skin ridge patterns & established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb & are fully formed by the fourth month..


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