Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The word Dermatoglyphics comes from two greek words derma, glyphe (skin), carve and refers to the ridge formations which appears on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.. 

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of the finger prints.. The terma was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of finger print analysis, even though the process of finger print identification had already been used for hundred of years..

Personality can be treated early in mother's womb and reflected in finger prints.. Since finger prints of each person are unique, with the help of Dermatoglyphics we understand one's innate personality, potential and preferences.. The study of finger prints has become more common, therefore, many parents began to analyze their child's finger prints with the intention to identify his / her potential and preferences early and provide proper guidance accordingly, which will help to expand his / her innate potential..

These patterns are unique and are heavily linked with their genetic composition and closely related to nerve system.. We can say that Dermatoglyphics can reveal our innate or intrinsic potential, talent and qualities. 

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