Tuesday, 27 August 2013

History of Finger Prints (Contd..):

1944 - Dr.. Julius Spier Psycho-Analytic Chirologist published “The Hands of Children”,, he made several significant discoveries especially in the area of psycho-sexual development and the diagnosis of imbalances & problems in this area from the patterns of the hands..

1957 - Dr.. Walker used the dermal configurations in the diagnosis of mongolism..

1968 - Sarah Holt,, published  'The Genetics of Dermal Ridges',, summarizes her research in of dermatoglyphics patterns of both the fingers & the palm in various peoples,, both normal and congenitally afflicted..

1969 - John J. Mulvihill,, MD & David W. Smith,, MD published "The Genesis of Dermatoglyphics" that proves the most up to date version of how fingerprints form..

1970 - USSR, Former Soviet Union Using Dermatoglyphics in selecting the contestant for Olympics..
1980 - China carry out researching work of human potential,, intelligence & talents in dermatoglyphics & human genome perspective..

1981 - Prof. Roger W. Sperry and his research partners was awarded the Nobel prize for Biology in their contribution towards the functions of the right brain & left brain as well as the dual brain theory.. Research related to the brain enters its peak at this stage.. At the same time,, it is now widely used by scientists from various other fields..

1985 - Dr.. Chen Yi Mou Phd. of Havard University research Dermatoglyphics based on Multiple Intelligence theory of Dr. Howard Gardner.. First apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields & brain physiology..

2000 - Dr.. Stowens, Chief of Pathology at St Luke's hospital in New York,, claims to be able to diagnose schizophrenia & leukaemia with up to a 90% accuracy.. In Germany, Dr.. Alexander Rodewald reports he can pinpoint many congenital abnormalities with a 90% accuracy..

2004 - International Behavioral & Medical Bio-metrics Society published over 7000 reports & thesis.. of Dermatoglyphics research in the latter half of 20th century has been directed into genetic research & diagnosis of chromosomal defects & diseases like heart related diseases,, cancer,, leukemia,, intestinal disorder,, Alzheimer's disease,, schizophrenia as well as other forms of mental illness.. Over the last 30 years or so,, more than 4000 papers have been published on the significance of skin ridge patterns..

Although many important discoveries regarding psychological significance of finger prints have been made,, the main thrust of Dermatoglyphics research in the latter half of 20th century has been directed into genetic research & diagnosis of chromosomal defects & diseases like heart related problems,, cancer,, leukemia,, intestinal disorder,, Alzheimer's disease,, schizophrenia as well as other forms of mental illness.. Over the last 30 years or so,, more than 4000 papers have been published on the significance of skin ridge patterns..

The current state of medical Dermatoglyphics is such that the diagnoses of some illness can now be done with the help of Dermatoglyphics Analysis & currently several Dermatoglyphics researchers claim a very high percentage of accuracy in their prognostic ability from the hand's features.. From the past few years United States,, Japan,, China , Taiwan apply Dermatoglyphics in educational fields,, to improve teaching qualities & raising learning & understanding efficiency by knowing various learning styles.. 

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