Tuesday 29 October 2013

““Windows of Opportunity”” are critical periods in children’s lives,, when specific types of learning takes place.. For instance,, scientists have determined that neurons for vision begin sending messages back & forth rapidly at two to four months of age,, peaking in intensity at eighth month.. It is no coincidence that babies begin to take notice of the surrounding world during this period..

Scientists believe that language is acquired most easily during the first ten years of life.. During these years,, the circuits in children’s brains become wired for how their own language sounds.. An infant’s repeated exposure to words clearly helps their brain build the neural connections that will enable his / her to learn more words later on.. For infants,, individual attention & responsive,, sensitive care are critical for later language & intellectual development..

Research does not suggest drilling children in alphabet songs from different languages or using flash cards to promote rote memorization of letters & numbers.. Children can learn any language best in the context of meaningful,, day to day interactions with adults or other children who speak the particular language..

Source: BRAIN Development Bulletin, The University of MAINE

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