Sunday 10 November 2013

At birth,, the human BRAIN is in a remarkably unfinished state.. Most of its 100 Billion Neurons are not yet connected in networks.. Forming & reinforcing these connections are the key tasks of early BRAIN development.. Connections among Neurons are formed as the growing child experiences the surrounding world & forms attachments to parents,, family members & others..

In the first decade of life,, a child’s BRAIN forms trillions of connections or synapses.. Axons hook up with dendrites,, and chemicals called neurotransmitters facilitate the passage of impulses across the resulting synapses..

Each individual Neuron may be connected to as many as 15000 other Neurons,, forming a network of neural pathways,, that is immensely complex.. This elaborate network is sometimes referred as BRAIN wiring or circuitry.. If they are not used repeatedly,, or often enough,, they are eliminated.. In this way,, experience plays a crucial role in wiring a child’s BRAIN,,  the neural connections that will enable to learn more words later on..

Source: Brain Development Bulletin,, The University of MAINE

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