Sunday 24 November 2013

We mostly use BRAIN and MIND interchangeably even though they really do refer to separate,, although often overlapping concepts.. The BRAIN is an organ but the MIND isn't.. The BRAIN is the physical place where the MIND resides.. It is a vessel in which the electronic impulses that create thought are contained.. With the BRAIN we coordinate our moves,, our organism,, activities and transmit impulses.. But we use the MIND to think..

Our MIND is the manifestations of thought,, perception,, emotion,, determination,, memory and imagination that take place in our BRAIN.. MIND is generally used to refer the thought processes of reason.. The MIND is the awareness of consciousness,, the ability to control and get to know what we are doing and why.. It is the ability to understand..

Our MIND made us capable to solve complex problems which differentiate us than other living beings.. Logic makes us understand that things are not as what they seem.. Our ability to analyze situations makes it possible to develop solutions to problems and lead us toward practical solutions.. We may not be able to see in the ultraviolet range,, but we may design instruments to do so.. Each stage of scientific research has usually been made by trying to reach a logical conclusion with observations.. 

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